Friday, July 13, 2012

"Mike Bara has fans"

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Post a Comment On: The Emoluments of Mars

        Today Mike Bara, famous historian, famous archaeologist, internationally-recognized expert on the history of spaceflight, posted on FB/twitter:

"Just got recognized because of Ancient Aliens. Mission accomplished."
        Good for you, Mike. Did you offer to sign a copy of the 'Table of Coincidence' published on enterprisemishmash in support of the so-called Ritual Alignment Model? Perhaps not, since this is what it shows:

image credit:
        Oh look Mike, that's not what you said on Ancient Aliens Season 4 Ep 5: "The NASA Connection." I distinctly heard you say the Orion belt stars were on the horizon, 33 minutes after the Apollo 11 landing.

        There were a few other problems with that performance, too. I know the fans don't care, but internationally-recognized experts on the history of spaceflight should really get at least some of their facts straight.
Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong Mike Bara is wrong 
1 – 49 of 49
Anonymous Trekker said...
Take a look at page 13 of this:

He has a diagram showing Regulus at 19.5 degrees below the horizon when Aldrin took communion.
July 7, 2012 10:47 AM
Blogger expat said...
Yes, that's right. He changed his mind about the timing of the communion ceremony. And then had the nerve to write that the star elevations were "exactly as we had predicted." What poppycock. How does he think Buzz Aldrin measured the elevation of Regulus, minus 19.5°????

Anyway, all that was forgotten when it came time to be interviewed for Ancient Aliens, and he reverted to the incorrect time of communion.

Mike Bara is a know-nothing flim-flam man.
July 7, 2012 11:43 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So I've just checked out what the actual situation is in Stellarium. Set my location to the Apollo 11 site on the Moon and the date and time to July 20 1969.

It shows that Sirius is located at 19.5 degrees at precisely 23:49:49 GMT.

In otherwords, nothing to see here Mike, even with your rounding to make the numbers a bit neater.
July 7, 2012 11:49 AM
Blogger expat said...
Thanks, anon. The landing was at 20:17:40 GMT, so +00:33 was 20:50:40.
July 7, 2012 12:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
At 20:50:40 Sirius was 18.295 degrees above the Moon's horizon from the Apollo 11 location.
July 7, 2012 12:29 PM
Blogger Chris Lopes said...
The irony of the thing is that though Mike is even less qualified to talk about this stuff than Hoagland (who was at least there at the time), he's the one who gets screen time (using Hoagland's material no less) on TV these days. It's the no nothing CADCAM technician who get's recognized, not the self identified expert in everything known and unknown. Karma and all that.
July 7, 2012 1:44 PM
Anonymous jourget said...
Maybe it's because Hoagland isn't any good at contributing to a discussion that he isn't the focus of. He's never been much of a sound bite man, always insisting on filling in tertiary points before getting to the main part of his argument. Even his shortest appearances on Coast have still been a couple of minutes long. When he appeared in the SyFy 2012 special, he still complained in his NASA-Kennedy-Obama DVD that NBC edited his comments to make him seem more worried about 2012 than he actually was. He's always been so concentrated on emphasizing how significant his own research is that he doesn't much care what a given show is about.
July 7, 2012 9:55 PM
Anonymous strahlungsamt said...
I'm not really an expert on Egyptology but wasn't all that stuff about Isis/Osiris/Horus lost to Humanity for the best part of 2 millenia until the Rosetta Stone was found in th 19th century?

If so, it would mean there could have been no Egyptian god worshipers in that time. (At least not until Pyramid Power was discovered in the 60s by a bunch of aging, stoned hippies).
July 8, 2012 4:34 AM
Anonymous strahlungsamt said...
Why knock Bara for being a CAD/CAM technician? It's one more qualification than Hoagland has.
Beats an Angstrom award anyday.

I saw one of Bara's presentations on Youtube recently. It's in 10 minute chunks due to YT limitations. I only watched the first part and oh boy was it interesting.
Bara showed Hoagie's ID pic. Then he showed Hoagie today. Then he joked that Hoagie's pic was him yada yada yada. At the end of 10 minutes he was still making jokes about the pics. No facts, no info, nothing interesting except his loyal fans applauding him. Needless to say, I didn't watch the rest.

I still think Dick wanted to audition for Ron Jeremy's job with that pic. Then again, maybe porn is a bit too intellectual for him.
July 8, 2012 4:46 AM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
The idea of Hoagland doing porn whilst sporting a 19.5mm erection and a haircut that resembles Randolph Scott's saddle I find singularly unappealing.
July 8, 2012 7:29 AM
Blogger Esteban Navarro said...
My belly still hurts to laugh with your comment, Derek. Thanks.
July 8, 2012 1:00 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
No, Hoagland's erection wouldn't be 19.5mm. It would be at a 19.5 degree angle.

And instead of calling the ending a money shot, it would be "a stunning confirmation."
July 8, 2012 10:55 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Mike Bara's latest blog post is an attack on the Affordable Care Act:

I would love to see some people post some comments on his little diatribe.
July 10, 2012 1:26 AM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Shit, I just attempted to post a comment on Bara's blog, and got a message telling me my comment would be visible after approval. What a coward he is.
July 10, 2012 1:29 AM
Blogger Esteban Navarro said...
“ …but only people living in the United States , i.e., illegal Aliens” (How can a person be "illegal" by the fact that is walking in a particular place on Earth ?, his muscles , is blood, his brain , his universal rights… can all that things be “illegal”, according to the universal declaration of human rights ? There´s more “ …a president who smokes” (¿?!) “…a Surgeon General who is obese” (WTF?) So here also the ideology of Bara is close to the tea party, Flightsuit? Oh my…Is a whole man..
July 10, 2012 4:15 AM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
No matter how well you pin down Bara on any one of his anthill of errors. He will reply, "I NEVER SAID THAT." And with George Noory as his minder. Do not expect to be allowed a rebuttal.
July 10, 2012 5:25 AM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
Will Bara print this. Or even reply ? Doubtful.
July 10, 2012 9:57 AM
Blogger expat said...
Ha-ha, not a chance.
July 10, 2012 10:31 AM
Blogger Chris Lopes said...
Nope, no chance at all. Nice try though. :)
July 10, 2012 11:43 AM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
It's actually kind of interesting to me that Bara and Hoagland and Noory all subscribe to some very right-wing beliefs. One would think that groovy UFO/alien type guys would tend to be very "open minded" and therefore liberal.

Speaking as a strident liberal, I'm glad Hoagland, Bara, and Noory agree with the radical right: It makes the right look bad.
July 10, 2012 1:24 PM
Blogger expat said...
No question about Mike Bara's politics. I'm sure he thinks Goebbels was The Great Communicator. In August 2010 he wrote to me as follows:

"As if I needed any more proof that you are a complete blithering idiot, the fact that you are obviously a democrat confirms it. Enjoy November."

I'm not so sure about Hoagland, however. I can't think of anything that prejudiced coming from him. Robin obviously admires (or admired) the Occupy Wall St movement. So I dunno....
July 10, 2012 1:38 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
I wonder how Bara's stripper and porn star friends feel about his politics? Those gals tend to be pretty liberal.
July 10, 2012 1:59 PM
Blogger Chris Lopes said...
Hoagland's politics are whatever they need to be to fit the current narrative. I would say he gravitates towards the unthinking populism of that despises elites while trying to emulate them. That kind of philosophy can be found on the extremes of both the right and the left.

As to Hoagland saying anything prejudice, I doubt he would either. He's too busy hating people for other reasons (like actually having a formal education, for instance) to be bothered with mere race. Why hate someone for the color of their skin, if you can hate them for being part of the vast conspiracy to keep humanity on this "prison planet?" It makes perfect sense of you don't think about it too much.

Bara on the other hand, is just parroting what he hears (or thinks he hears, I doubt he pays much attention to anything that won't get him laid) on Rush Limbaugh. Since Rush knows as much about politics as Bara does about science, it makes sense. Ignorance is apparently not only bliss, it can make you some serious money if you play it right.
July 10, 2012 5:21 PM
Blogger Esteban Navarro said...
Completely agree with Expat, believe in this -ET's-UFO pseudoscience thing, and by extension, in any godo r gods or brother-angels that fly in the skies and send signals an so, assumed or brand new, have nothing to do with the political ideology that the believer profess.Lenin was an atheist, and also Hitler, (and Thomas Jefferson or Bill Maher, -relatively speaking , you know what I mean…), their political ideologies are completely different…
True that a materialistic education tend to be more critical with the nonsense of “transcendence & mistery” that an idealist , but that doesn´t mean there are not many neurosurgeons very right wing, or at church every Sunday, or astronauts who believe in UFO´s and the holistic - magic conection of the universe (Ed Mitchell)
Is the Vatican who most severely condemns these "occultist" practices… That puts us on track of who will actually compete for these people their cosmology and the supermarket of “senses and meanings of life”.

Strippers have to endure many drooling idiots, it's their job.Sad.
July 10, 2012 5:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hoagland has stated many times that Bara is a Republican, I've always come away thinking that Hoagland leans left, politically. He wants other people's money to live his lifestyle. It pains me to say, while I dislike Bara, I agree with some of his points on the Health care law.
July 10, 2012 6:41 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Republicans like to paint themselves as huge patriots. You'd think, therefore, that instead of trolling for hookers in a BMW, Mike Bara would want to show some solidarity and buy a car that was built on American soil.
July 10, 2012 6:53 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
Whatever Hoagland's political views, just consider the facts. He heavily promoted the nuclear powered Project Prometheus, spending an entire program of Coast to Coast AM, the first time he was ever interviewed by George Noory, within the first three weeks of his debut as host. Hoagland's agenda was to get listening audience to email George Bush II, and bug him to buy it.

Now, Hoagland deletes all mention of Project Prometheus as well as all posts regarding the X-37B from his facebutt page. He is always denigrating NASA, but he has never said a word against the DOD.

Is NASA Republican and the DOD Democrat?
July 10, 2012 7:03 PM
Blogger Chris Lopes said...
You may be reading too much into it. Prometheus may have been his object of interest (as in, it was going into one of those deadly 3 hour Power Point presentations of his), but the moment passed and he moved on. If he made some serious predictions involving the project, he probably wants us all to forget that too. Hoagland has a way of trying to rewrite history he he screws up.

The same can be said of the X-37B. Since he's not really "in the know" any more, he probably has less knowledge of the project than you do. As it doesn't quite fit any of his current narratives anyway, he'd rather not bother talking about a subject where reality can bite him in the ass at any moment. Just a thought anyway.
July 10, 2012 10:39 PM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
I guess you were right Expat. Not only did Mike not allow my comment. He banned me from his Twitter feed.
July 11, 2012 1:56 AM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Hah, hah, hah! Twitter is the perfect medium for Mike Bara. Not so much for Hoagland, though: How would he ever do his Gish gallops in mere 140 character increments?
July 11, 2012 2:11 AM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
It would seem Hoagland is busier this past few months than we gave him credit for. So perhaps he will be challenging Mike Bara for that #1 spot in the NY bestseller list. See below.

This is a message that Robin posted in the Agents' Lounge. She gave me permission to put it here in the Reading Room.

Just to give you a heads up on the humor here... Richard is spending every waking second getting ready for an increcible (sic) conference which is being held next week.

He doesn't have TIME for anything else... especially reading a 480 page book!!

Now... Here's Robin to tell the REST of the Story about Richard and the Obergon Chronicles!!

From Dr. Robin Falkov:

Hello Everyone,

Absolutely had to let you all know how spectacular "The Obergon Chronicles" is. Our Raye can REALLY write, but you know that already.

I showed the book to Richard and he commented on how beautiful the cover art is, and that it must have been very expensive. (many of you, as I did, will find a special resonance with the cover)

Then, taking the book with him, he wandered back to his office where he is crunching for our major 2012 event next week in Joshua Tree, followed by his presentation for the C-Pak Conference. Oops, forgot about the film crew coming next week for a very well known television station. Needless to say, he's got a full schedule.

Anyhow, a while later, Richard came back and handed me THE book. It seemed he wanted me to hide it from him!!!

He said, "That woman is dangerous. I just picked it up and started to get lost in it. What a writer! Don't let me have it or I won't be able to get any work done."

So guys, go get lost --- in Raye's new book.

And, don't forget about our event during Columbus Day weekend, Oct 6-9 in Joshua Tree, California. Please go to:

and click on the banner at the top for more info. You can always ask me if you have any questions.

Don't many of you live in California? There are lots of options for attendance.

July 11, 2012 7:25 AM
Anonymous Trekker said...
Binary, how current is that? Is she referring to this year?

This year's CPak conference doesn't list Hoagland as one of its presenters:

And if the Joshua Tree conference is in October, how could she refer to it as 'next week'?

Or am I missing something?
July 11, 2012 7:48 AM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
Hi Trekker,

This was most likely around this time last year. But ties in with the "where the hell does Hoagland earn a living from." - Giving us an insight. Clearly it's just from conferences and appearances. I guess Hoagland is struggling this year for cash. Given the amount of begging he has been doing both on Facebook and on C2C. Perhaps his disastrous Elenin crapola presentation has backfired.
July 11, 2012 8:13 AM
Blogger expat said...
The Joshua Tree 2012 conference was in 2006. See this announcement:

Note that if you decide to order the DVD, the order link leads nowhere useful. The DVD was never finished. Hoagland complained that he lost $25,000 on the deal.
July 11, 2012 8:40 AM
Blogger Binaryspellbook said...
Cheers Expat. The idea of Hoagland earning $25k for a single venture is astonishing.
July 11, 2012 8:46 AM
Blogger expat said...
No, that doesn't represent his speaker's fee. It's what he fronted for the video crew.
July 11, 2012 8:47 AM
Blogger expat said...
From the files of Gary Leggiere, "Mars Revealer":

"Date:20 oct 2006
Subject: Re: Confusion & what you said...

I'm simply flat broke(you know what that's like ... don't you?)

I came back home -- after two weeks on the road, two conferences, untold thousands of hours getting ready -- to a total of $75 in my checking account.

I'm over $20,000 in the hole from Joshua Tree (along with Carrie) ...etc.."
July 11, 2012 10:09 AM
Anonymous Trekker said...
OK, thanks Binary and Expat for the explanation of the time lapse!
July 11, 2012 10:14 AM
Anonymous strahlungsamt said...
The Republicans and the Tea Party have been recruiting every nutball and failed author they can get their hands on. Examples: Alex Jones, anti-semite bought over by Fox - now a pro Zionist. Jim Goad, author of "Shit Magnet" about a poor white male's struggle against women and racial equality laws in the USA, now a Tea bagger.
There's others I can't think of right now but Mike fits in there with the best of them. He's just the kind of nutball we might be seeing more of on Fox in the near future.
July 11, 2012 2:27 PM
Blogger Chris Lopes said...
I thought Hoagland might actually be working on the book this time. He doesn't seem to have a lot of other options when it comes to money these days, and even if it flops he can live on the advance for a while. So it would make sense that he'd ignore everyone (besides George Noory) until he gets it out the door.
July 11, 2012 3:29 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
All I have to do to get tons of people to comment on a dead thread is mention Project Prometheus and the X-37B so they can try and bury it.

You guys must all work for the government. The Democrats and the Republicans are both fascisticly supported by the same special interests. Neither wants transparency or to do the public's bidding.

My take is that Hoagland is a liberal at heart, but he caved and took the money from the DOD, and now he has to shut his mouth.
July 11, 2012 5:51 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Wait, what? The DOD gave money to Hoagland!? When did this happen, and why?
July 11, 2012 6:05 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
Hoagland was pitch man for the nuclear powered Spacecraft, Project Prometheus, until the D.O.D. bought it instead of NASA.
July 13, 2012 6:21 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
That was the reason why Hoagland on Coast shouted down Robert Zubrin who wants to go to the Moon again to set up a water-hydrogen extraction filling station to refill rocket engines on craft which have consumed all their fuel to escape planet Earth. Hoagland was still advocating nuclear power for direct flights to Mars. Zubrin was chipping away at Hoagland's rice bowel.
July 13, 2012 6:30 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
Richard C Hoagland admits to being the last person to speak with Dr Eugene Mallove shortly before his assassination. The murder was pinned on crackheads, but according to Hoagland, Mallove told him during that final telephone conversation that he was in possession of some sort of new free energy device. Was Hoagland's and/or Mallove's phones tapped? Or did Hoagland squeal to the spooks? According to Hoagland, that free energy device was never found. Hoagland went right on the air with this story, a day or two after Mallove was killed, in order to get ahead of the curve on the spin, and per-emptively start building his defense.
July 13, 2012 6:37 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
A free energy device would have killed Project Prometheus at that time. Now, that the D.O.D has the X-37B, NASA is claiming to be in possession of a cold fusion engine.
July 13, 2012 6:39 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
There would seem to be a rivalry between NASA and the D.O.D. Hoagland is right there, playing them both off.
July 13, 2012 6:41 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
Hoagland told me personally that he studded at UC Berkeley, and he responded to a post of mine on his Facebutt wall, by directing me to the location on campus of their nuclear reactor, from his memory, he said; not Google.
July 13, 2012 6:43 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
You guys let Hoagland get away with too much by dismissing him as stupid. That's why I figure that you are actually covering for him. Are you NASA, or the D.O.D.?
July 13, 2012 6:45 PM

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