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"Hoagland fails to understand Lunar atmosphere data, X-37B mission"
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Misti Parker said...
- The X-37B was missing in Outer Space for nine months. The rumor
of it being sighted in low Earth orbit by amateur astronomers was
conceivably a cover story for an unnamed mission to Mars. When the X-37B
finally did show up, the news story of it's return was eclipsed by
NASA's delayed press conference of the phony arsenic eating bacteria.
NASA is a civilian agency which works with the Department of Defense.
Hoagland went on Coast to talk about the bug, while ignoring the much
more intriguing and factual story of the return from the secret mission
of the missing X-37B. When repeatedly questioned on his Facebook page
about the X-37B, the only response was the lonely sound of chirping
crickets. Coincidentally, Hoagland had several years prior, gone on
Coast promoting Project Prometheus, a planned nuclear powered Spacecraft
that he encouraged the listening audience to email the White House to
demand being developed to go to Mars. He refuses to discuss Project
Prometheus now as well. Project Prometheus and the X-37B are both now
under the DOD and are likely one and the same. Hoagland won't speak of
either project, probably because he's a spook.
Trivializing Richard C Hoagland and holding him up to ridicule, only serves to dismiss the kernel of truth which he exaggerates in order to discredit it. In other words, Ex Pat is working hand in hand with Richard C Hoagland to distort the truth.
- >>The X-37B was missing in Outer Space for nine months. <<
"missing" is a strange choice of word. It was a classified mission extending from 22 April to 3 December 2010. Quite obviously no official details were released. I feel quite sure that the USAF knew exactly where it was.
I assure you that I am not in cahoots with Hoagland and I do not distort truth.
Misti Parker said...
- Most news reports coined the term, "missing". The Air Force was
quoted as saying that they "didn't know" what happened to the X-37B.
NASA announced the bogus press conference on the then undisclosed phony arsenic eating bacteria, about a week in advance of the coincidental return of the X-37B.
Hoagy is not the total dufus that you make him out to be, Paddy.
Misti Parker said...
- If Hoagland is sworn to secrecy not to disclose Project
Prometheus and the X-37B, might it be permissible for him to fabricate
about something called the XB-37?
astroguy said...
- Misti, you wrote: "NASA announced the bogus press conference on
the then undisclosed phony arsenic eating bacteria, about a week in
advance of the coincidental return of the X-37B."
I'm sorry, but ... WHAT?! First, at face value, what does this have to do about anything with the subject at hand? Second, what are you trying to say here about a "bogus press conference" (I can assure you that the press conference happened) with "phony arsenic eating bacteria" (which the SCIENCE blogging community - not Hoagland - quickly pounced on even though the original authors still fully believe their findings.
So ... WHAT?!
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Misti Parker said...
- Hoagland acted all excited as if the bacteria were actually
evidence that life off planet were actually more viable, which in fact,
it does not.
Why did NASA postpone the press conference, and keep what it was about a secret until the day that the X-37B returned without any advance notice?
Hoagland ignored the story about the X-37B completely, despite many postings on his Facebook page, of which he deleted all.
What makes this all so relevant, is that Ex Pat casually states the anecdotal, unofficial story that the X-37B remained in near Earth orbit. That conveniently serves the same purpose as Hoagland's errors and omissions.
Biological_Unit said...
- Means what?
- Misti: There was no Mars Mission opportunity in April 2010.
Windows open every 780 days, 0r 26 months[1]. Counting backwards from
the November 2011 window (during which MSL and Phobos-Grunt departed) we
arrive at September 2009.
[1] http://history.nasa.gov/monograph21/humans_to_Mars.htm
- In addition, that really isn't a very large vehicle (< 9m.) It
gets boosted into Earth orbit by an Atlas rocket, but it does have its
own AR2-3 engine burning hydrazine. I suppose I can make myself believe
that it has enough oomph to get it on a Mars transfer trajectory, but
I'd say it doesn't have the slightest chance of ever being able to
return from Mars to Earth.
You conspiracy-minded speculation monkeys never think of these technical imperatives. You should.
Anonymous said...
- Hello all, My name is Susan Teixeira, I am 41 years old and have
been a resident of Massachusetts for all but i month of my life! I can
say whether or not Richard Hoagland is precise in regard to every aspect
of his investigations. Mr. Hoagland came to my attention over this past
year because of something I discovered at Cydonia Mars that appears to
have been overlooked by all those interested in just the mathematical
configuration of the "monuments" of Cydonia. The surrounding formation
all contain identifiable symbols! Over this past (almost) a year this
discovery of mine turned into what I can only describe as something
paranormal! I have attempted to contact the educational, scientific,
religious, and governmental agencies who prefer to write me off! All I
can say, subjective aspects aside... "You cannot display imagery that
others can see if you are delusional"! For anyone interested in seeing
the images and hearing of the evolution of the past year for me email me
at teixeirasusan@yahoo.com I have been mailing this information to
various skeptics organizations and so far I'm not even worth a rebuttal!
Why? Maybe they realize they shouldn't start an argument they will
lose! Bravo Mr. Hoagland! I believe the measures you have taken mean
more than you know!
Misti Parker said...
- Mars smarz, if the X-37B is so secret, what makes you believe
it's not nuclear powered? Besides, it may have gone to Nibiru for all
we know. It was gone for nine months. Besides, being nuclear powered,
the window of opportunity is much, less, imperative.
Misti Parker said...
- Susan Teixeira:
Why not post the images on a blog and provide a link? Just be aware that Richard C Hoagland asserts that NASA has altered images from Mars and from many other missions. This tends to make even the pictures he touts as proof of artifacts to be suspicious. It may well be that it is Hoagland's intent to discredit actual unadulterated images by condraDICKing himself.
- It's possible that X-37B is nuclear, yes. But you seem to be
under the mistaken impression that nuclear = super-duper power, go
anywhere do anything. The reality is that nuclear rocket engines have
specific impulses in the range of 800-1000 seconds. Not good enough for
your fantasy to become reality. Sorry.
There's no such thing as Nibiru.
Misti Parker said...
- Okay, Paddy, a nuclear powered X-37B might not be quite fast
enough to have traveled to Mars during the period of time that it was
unaccounted for, but a nuclear powered X-37B would be much, much, faster
than a rocket. So crunch the numbers for us prof. How far could the
X-37B have traveled and back in nine months?
Chris Lopes said...
- Like much that has to do with Hoagland, there is less than meets
the eye. His use of the X-37B in Amsterdam is just another example of
his "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" philosophy. He
was hoping something he said would catch on and become something he
could parley into a few minutes on C2C. His actual interest in the X-37B
doesn't extend beyond using it as a plot device in whatever narrative
he's trying to sell.
Misti Parker said...
- Tell me Topher, why then did Dick delete each and every one of
the many numerous posts about the X-37B from his Facebook page, while
going on Coast to rant about the phony arsenic eating bug? Isn't he
supposedly more about Spaceships than alien life forms? After all, he
keeps quoting the Martian Chronicles, "We are the Martians;" a reference
to his assertion that Earthlings are descendants of Martians.
- Misti, I perceive that in your mind a spacecraft is like a car --
its speed is limited by the type of engine that's installed, and it can
be driven just as far as it has fuel for and no further.
This is not the place for a treatise on space mission planning, but just let me say (write) this:
All space missions are 99% coasting. The game is to fire the rocket for the minimum time necessary to get it going in the right direction, then orbital mechanics takes over. Unlike a car, a spacecraft will go on literally for EVER unless and until it's decelerated by a retro-burn.
Misti Parker said...
- ...but Hoagy said that Project Prometheus would be a much faster craft, drastically shortening the time to get to Mars and back.
Misti Parker said...
- Paddy you are a real hoser. Everybody want's a faster Spaceship;
even Einstein. If you are running on swamp gass, then yeah, sure you
gott'a conserve fuel, and coasting is a good way to do that.
Slingshotting works good too, but with nuclear power, you can just let
her rip like beans through a desert rat's ass!
Misti Parker said...
- Is it just me or has anybody else noticed that since the Space
Shuttle has been put to rest, Bush's missions to the Moon and Mars have
been cut and NASA now just sits on it's fist and leans back on it's
thumb, everybody bemoans that the US no longer has a Space program.
Fact is, it's just gone completely Black. I suppose that means that a lot of engineers and techs will remain employed and there is still a potential for some commercial trickle down of consumer products as a result, but as far as the ISS is concerned, I think the experiment has proven that life in Space is much to hazardous for manned missions. Even on Earth, radiation worsens as the Earth's magnetic field continues it's cyclical deterioration.
- >>Hoagy said that Project Prometheus would be a much faster
craft, drastically shortening the time to get to Mars and back.
Hoagland was, as usual, totally wrong. The payoff of more efficient rocketry is increased payload, not faster travel.
Misti Parker said...
- If payload is the payoff, then why did they make the X-37B so much smaller than the Space Shuttle?
It even looks like the Space Shuttle.
Who needs more payload on unmanned missions anyway?
I'll bet it's a total FLICK'n Hotrod!
Chris Lopes said...
- Expat,
Perhaps Misti Parker (and Hoagland when he was into this stuff) is confusing nuclear rocket engines with the fusion drive "torch ships" of ye olde science fiction fame. These are the ones that would supposedly give you constant 1G acceleration and let you get all the way to the asteroid belt and back in 2 weeks. They are the kind of ships Tom Corbett (and his literary counter part Matt Dodson) used to chase space pirates with. Jerry Pournelle has a neat essay about them ("Those Pesky Belters and Their Torch Ships") in his nonfiction book "A Step Father Out".
Biological_Unit said...
- Not realistic at all! It's like Antigravity, it exists on a few blogs and in some fiction. THERE IS NO THERE THERE!
strahlungsamt said...
- Just be aware that Richard C Hoagland asserts that NASA has altered images from Mars and from many other missions.
I know a thing or two about image manipulation and I can state for a fact that almost every image Hoagland cites as evidence of ancient Lunar/Martian civilization has been doctored in some way.
I have been a hobby photographer and I had my own darkroom at one time. More recently, I've scanned my negatives and worked on them in photoshop. When enhancing images to bring out more detail, there are only a limited number of options available. Brightness, contrast, gamma, color correction and maybe a bit of sharpness are all you need. If the details are not there, they're not there. If you enhance too far, you get grain, noise and stretch marks from the film being pulled through the canister. All pictures have noise in them.
When Hoagland presents an image he claims is computer enhanced, he never publishes the steps he took to enhance it. Since almost everyone has photoshop on their computer, it would be quite easy to replicate the steps and prove him right. By not publishing the steps, he discredits himself immediately.
My favorite image is the skull rock from Apollo 17 where he enhances it to get four eyes yet he can't say how he enhanced it.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Background noise, grain and stretch marks do not prove the Moon is inhabited by ancient hyperdimensional mice.
strahlungsamt said...
- I can say whether or not Richard Hoagland is precise in regard
to every aspect of his investigations. Mr. Hoagland came to my
attention over this past year because of something I discovered at
Cydonia Mars that appears to have been overlooked by all those
interested in just the mathematical configuration of the "monuments" of
I can also say whether or not RCH is precise in his investigations. He isn't. In fact, his math is so full of holes, it would make a lump of Swiss cheese look watertight.
First up, he takes an image that's no more than a few hundred pixels wide. Then he extrapolates figures to about 8 decimal places (when anything finer than 3 places are meaningless) using a bunch of random points (of his own choosing) in the image.
Then, to sound all complimikated, he calculates the sin, cos and tan values of the various angles and figures they add up to the square root of 3 over pi or something.
Basically, he massages the results, confusing everybody in the room into thinking he's a genius, and getting results that make no sense to anybody with a lick of scientific knowledge.
There's a better description of it here, including links to the original article.
Then, when people point out that his theory is a crock, he screams conspiracy and it's a cover up by the Egyptian Gods in NASA or something.
I think I'll go back to reading Batman comics. They're both more interesting and more factual thanks.
strahlungsamt said...
- I just listened to about a minute of that video from Amsterdam.
The bit where Hoagie starts ranting about the Indian spacecraft....
One question springs to mind: Did Hoagie just step out of one of Amsterdam's many coffeeshops (marijuana smoking joints) right before saying that? Hell, was that conference held in a coffeeshop? It sure sounds like it was.
On another note, somewhere in youtube there's a Hoagland video where he discusses the glass worm. Somewhere in the video he shows a cover of the WEEKLY WORLD NEWS with an alien as proof. (OK the WWN heading was cut off but it was so obvious I couldn't stop laughing.)
And NO, I am not going to look for the video. I've got better things to do with my time.
- TVM for the recent analytical posts, strahlungamt. Of course
you're absolutely right. In case you missed it, my own analysis of the
'Data's Head' rock is here.
Misti Parker said...
- Nuclear powered Spacecraft are faster than chemical rockets. The
way you guys try to obfuscate that fact, demonstrates how you work with
Hoagland to distort the truth.
- Misti, if you really looked like that photo you use, I'd offer to
smack your bottom. But of course that pic is about as credible as Mike
Bara's claims of success with the cougars in Las Vegas.
Misti Parker said...
- Let's see a scanned copy of your passport picture, Paddy.
Now, back to the topic. Nuclear powered Spacecraft are faster than chemical rockets.
Once again you have evaded the subject, same as Hoagland always does.
- I have no evaded the subject. Here is what I posted:
>>All space missions are 99% coasting. The game is to fire the rocket for the minimum time necessary to get it going in the right direction, then orbital mechanics takes over. Unlike a car, a spacecraft will go on literally for EVER unless and until it's decelerated by a retro-burn. <<
You persist in thinking a spacecraft is like a car. It isn't.
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Misti Parker said...
- A nuclear powered Spacecraft can continue to accelerate BEYOND
the top speed of a chemical rocket. Once it reaches it's top speed, then
perhaps it might be fine to coast, but even a solar sailing craft will
continually pick up speed, achieving vastly higher speeds than a
chemical rocket.
A nuclear powered Spacecraft would not have prohibitive limits on fuel so would be able to brake as well as accelerate for longer duration. Higher speeds for longer periods would not cause over shooting the target.
Now let's see that passport copy you phony baloney.
Biological_Unit said...
- The Nuclear-powered spacecraft that DO exist are really Ion-powered. The Nuke creates electricity to shoot out IONS!
Misti Parker said...
- http://trajectory.grc.nasa.gov/projects/ntp/index.shtml
In support of the Space Exploration Vision, Project Prometheus has been formed to study the application and flight of a nuclear reactor in space. As a result, Nuclear Thermal Rockets might be the propulsion we use to fulfill these human exploration dreams.
NTR A Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR) creates thrust by heating and expanding a working fluid, such as hydrogen, a fusion fuel, in a nuclear reactor. An NTR engine has twice the efficiency of the best chemical engines due to the high energy level produced by the nuclear reactions when compared to the combustion in chemical thrusters. Consequently, NTR engines have an advantage over chemical engines when we compare the amount of energy available per unit mass of fuel. Thus, NTR engines produce NTR a higher specific impulse (ISP) than current technology chemical rockets. The specific impulse of a rocket is improved by using a lower molecular weight exhaust. The exhaust of chemical rockets are constrained by the chemical reaction, but in an NTR, the heat source is not based on the propellant, so an NTR can use a low molecular weight propellant, such as hydrogen, to improve performance. The high specific impulse (Isp) levels of an NTR rocket offer opportunities for missions with shorter trip times and greater payloads that those that can be accomplished using only chemical propulsion. Keep in mind that this is at the cost of an increased system weight to accommodate an NTR power plant. An NTR is attractive for many high-energy missions because of NTR its high thrust to weight ratios of the power plant and engines. NTR propulsion systems are referred to as high thrust when compared other advanced propulsion systems such as electrical propulsion.
Responsible NASA Official:
Maria Babula
Web Curator:
Central Web Services Team
Last updated on Wednesday, 09-Jul-2008
Misti Parker said...
- The X-37B is Project Prometheus taken out of the hands of NASA by the DOD.
Misti Parker said...
- Now where in the hell did the X-37B go during it's little nine month vacation? To go have a baby?
Biological_Unit said...
- So what - it's not manned.
Misti Parker said...
- I find it interesting, Bioillogical_Unit, that you are interested
enough to take the time to go out of your way to visit here to let us
know how uninterested you are. Do you also go to blogs of crochet,
croquet, and cricket, to let everybody there know how uninterested in
those you are as well, or is that the stuff you are really interested
Do you require a maned mission to keep you in suspense, hoping for a disaster like going to the stock car races?
Misti Parker said...
- That goes for all the rest of you poser hosers as well.
Biological_Unit said...
- I enjoy the un-manned missions!
I will die of old age before ANY manned mission beyond LEO.
Anonymous said...
- Misti, may I respectfully suggest you master high school physics
before you attempt to defend woowoos? You will be taken more seriously.
Misti Parker said...
- Anonymous, just what in the above posted NASA article do you take issue with?
Biological_Unit said...
- Misti should join the Members-Only blog - http://hhmsssword.blogspot.com/
He's a Space Cadet in the Seekrit Space Navy, along with being a Freemason.
Of course, he is a horrible LIAR!
Biological_Unit said...
- Last updated on Wednesday, 09-Jul-2008
WOW! That whole field of Nuclear Rocketry has been dormant for almost FOUR years! What will the next four years be like??
Anonymous said...
- Misti, I take issue with your "analysis" of the material.
Respectful suggestion: learn some basic terms and the background
physics. Your view that the X-37 was nuclear powered and made a side
trip to Mars is just laughable.
Misti Parker said...
- This guy is a terrific writer.
I almost believed "A Tale of Two Captains," butt when he wrote that Hoagland crapped his pants, I knew it must be the musings of somebody like the "Mars Revealer" or "Ex-Pat".
Misti Parker said...
- The X-37B fits the description of Project Prometheus in the NASA
article. It was on a secret mission in Space for nine months. It sure
as hell could have made it to Mars and back in that amount of time, but
it could have done a lot of other very interesting things as well. NASA
has gone black and the tax payers are kept in the dark, while Richard C
Hoagland continues to delete threads about the X-37B just as fast as
they get posted, like tonight once again.
Biological_Unit said...
- NASA has gone black and the tax payers are kept in the dark
Why wouldn't NASA be praising and glorifying this fantastic success for the American Taxpayers?
You Unit SwArdies aren't thinking this through...
Anonymous said...
- So, Misti, care to give us the total delta V required for you
imaginary Mars mission? What ISP would be required to achieve that Delta
V within the mass constraints of the Atlas 5 booster? What is the
mass fraction required to perform your maginary mission? Can you answer
any of these questions? If so, please show your calculations.
On Hoagland deleting questions, it is a typical woowoo tactic when presented with something, anything really, they do not want to see.
Biological_Unit said...
- This guy is a terrific writer.
Misti Parker said...
- Due to the veneer of National Security, neither NASA nor Hoagland
is at liberty to discuss the X-37B or Project Prometheus since the DOD
has taken it over.
Misti Parker said...
- Common sense, Anonymous; if the X-37B is Project Prometheus and
can travel twice as fast as a chemical rocket which takes seven months
to reach Mars, and it was gone for nine months, it would most certainly
have had plenty of time to go to Mars and back.
Anonymous said...
- So in other words, Misti, you have no idea what the Delta V
requirement was, the ISP needed or the mass fraction of the vehicle.
That is assuming you even know what the terms mean or the mathematical
relationships containing in them.
And, you can bet that Hoagland has neither a security clearance or a need to know on any classified matter, In fact he appears to be utterly unfamiliar with basic physics.
And, sad to say, you appear to be shilling for him.
Misti Parker said...
- Shilling for Hoagland? He keeps deleting all my posts about the
X-37B in the first place. As for the Delta V equations and such, that's
all supposed to be secret, Anonym-ass, now isn't it? Would you care to
estimate what they ought to be, for the X-37B to be Project Prometheus
traveling to Mars and back?
Anonymous said...
- Misti, how do you classify the laws of physics? The simple fact
you make such an absurd statement indicates you really have no idea what
you are talking about. Ever heard of the Rocket Equation? I suspect
If you want to know why Hoagland delete your questions, ask Hoagland. I would not presume to claim to understand what goes on in his feeble brain.
But i can offer a speculation: He finds your points a waste of time, perhaps even Hoagland does not want someone of your caliber shilling for him. But I freely admit that is speculation on my part.
jourget said...
- Misti,
I really have to agree with Anonymous. Delta-V is a measure of the energy required to attain a given trajectory, and would be the same for any spacecraft on a particular path, nuclear or no. It has NOTHING to do with the design of the spacecraft itself. I believe Above Top Secret has plenty of space for threads involving rampant speculation without having much knowledge of whether an idea is plausible or even possible. Statements like "The X-37B is Project Prometheus taken out of the hands of NASA by the DOD" really do put you squarely in Hoagland territory, whether or not you agree with him.
New hypotheses that differ from the conventional paradigm are always great, but back them up with actual evidence, not lengthy quotes from unrelated press releases or pseudo-occult protractor wrangling.
Misti Parker said...
- Hey, I'm just a listener to Coast to Coast AM who never gets to talk to Hoagland over the phone on the air.
Do I have to have a PhD to ask a question? I'm just putting two and two together. One thing for certain, the Orbs which have sought me out are definitely not from NASA or the supposed Black Spacecraft Fleet.
Just because the government refuses to be accountable to the public is no reason for me to answer to do the math for you lame bunch of apologists for the DOD.
If you're so smart, then you tell me.
Misti Parker said...
- If the Delta V is irrelevant than what's the point of bringing it up at all?
The point here is that Hoagland exploits the fact that the government lies and denies, so he can make of it what he will. Well, so can the rest of us, too.
The circumstantial evidence is enough to convince me that the X-37B is Project Prometheus and that NASA, Hoagland, and the DOD are all equally full of crap.
I won't vote for any appropriations going to any of those bastards. At least the Orbs don't try and extort taxes.
Anonymous said...
- No one expects you to have a PhD, Misti, but when you carry on
about technical subjects a mastery of basic high school physics and math
is a big help. Your local library has all kinds of books that you can
use to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. And, they are
Orbs, huh? I would suggest this may be more in the purview of psychology than physics. Have you tried to find some professional help? And, no, Hoax to Hoax AM with George Snoory does not qualify as professional help.
You may be putting two and two together but sadly the answer you found, 19.5, is not the correct answer to "what is two and two." Sorry.
Biological_Unit said...
- the Orbs which have sought me out
I believe you are hallucinating, or you are being attacked by miscreants. There is a possibility that someone is trying out experimental weaponry on you!
On the other hand, you take swOrd seriously, so you could be suffering from bat-shit insanity.
Misti Parker said...
- Hoagland is right about one thing, at least he tries to drum up
interest in Space adventures for the sake of education, incidental
civilian technological development, and the economy.
You're not convincing me here to support NASA by any means. You aren't earning yourself any points with the Orbs here, either.
Anonymous said...
- The point of bringing up Delta V, ISP, has fraction and the rest
was to see if you had done any actual analysis of the problem, or you
were just casting about blindly for answers. Sadly it appears you are
casting about blindly, and not surprisingly, failing to find answers
that make sense in the real world.
Let me repeat: Master high school math and physics, and you will have the tools to help detect BS when you encounter it, whether from Hoagland or your own "analysis" makes no difference.
You see, Misti, that is how science is done: You propose and answer to a question, called the hypothesis, you then compute what you expect to see if your hypothesis is correct, and then go out in the real world and perform experiments or observations to confirm or deny your hypothesis. If the experiment or observation is at odds with your hypothesis then it is WRONG. Just flat out wrong. It really is that simple.
This is called the Scientific Method, and it is a powerful tool to figure out how the universe works. In fact it is probably the most powerful tool humans have ever devised. No, that does not mean science knows everything, so don't even try to bring up that straw man argument.
And, Scientific Method is a great BS detector, something the fools, frauds, and simpletons like Hoagland never seem to figure out, and hope you never figure out.
Misti Parker said...
- I don't need a degree in physics in order to make political and
consumer decisions, as long as you are entitled to hypocritically
disavow all knowledge of Project Prometheus and the X-37B while thinking
you know all about the Orbs which you have never seen either.
Anonymous said...
- Misti, no one said you did need a degree in physics to make
political or consumer decisions. And can you point to where I have made
any pronouncements re the X-37 or Prometheus? You are, it appears,
committing a logical fallacy.
And NASA is far from the only space program out there.
As to your orbs, well, I repeat: Seek professional help.
Frankly, Misti, aside from shilling for nonsense what do you expect to gain here? Frankly your attitude seems to indicate you are simply looking for someone to confirm your delusions, but that is an opinion, not a statement of fact.
Biological_Unit said...
- I saw that a Tornado hit a USA Church yesterday.
In Misti's world, this cannot happen!
Misti Parker said...
- During World War Two, the US Air Force bombed Berlin, totally leveling that city, yet surgically managed to spare every church.
Anonymous said...
- Care to provide a reputable source for that claim, Misti?
Misti Parker said...
- Hoagland touts the Space NAZI mythos to obfuscate the fact that
UFOs are not under human control, in light of the cautions of the
so-called, "Brookings Report". The fact that something so relatively
primitive as the X-37B in comparison to the Orbs, is classified as
secret, convinces me that there is no highly sophisticated Black
Spacecraft Fleet, anymore than there are Space NAZIS.
In light of Brookings, I wonder what government fears most; the fact that The Orbs are contacting few numbers of people directly and by passing government, or that The Orbs have an agreement with government to disclose any contact with citizens, but government can't trust The Orbs even in context of that agreement?
Anonymous said...
- I give up, Misti clearly needs help, specifically help related to
the field of abnormal psychology, that I am simply not trained to
Good luck with your life, Misti, as the Duke once said, "Life is hard, it is harder if you are stupid." I might add it is even harder for the mentally ill...
Misti Parker said...
- My Dad's best friend fought on the ground in Berlin during WWII.
He recounted that story after vacationing in Europe having gone back to
Germany for the first time since the war. He was amazed at how Berlin
had been rebuilt.
Adam yielded his possession of planet Earth to Satan by deliberately choosing Eve over God. That is why people get sick and die and their homes get destroyed and foreclosed on by weasels.
A church is not a building, but rather it is the body of believers in Christ; The Ecclesia.
Misti Parker said...
- Who says life is hard? Listening to C2C is a blast. Even you nerds are easily entertained.
Biological_Unit said...
- I will admit to seeing three blue-white point source Plasmoid Orbs in 1980.
What does this mean? I have no idea! I won't come to any conclusions about this - I just don't know.
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Misti Parker said...
- Tell me more, Bio. I don't mean to lead the witness, but did
those three Orbs happen to perform any note worthy aerobatics? Can you
estimate size/distance/speeds/altitude & clarity of line of sight?
Biological_Unit said...
- I was using my binoculars, I saw one Orb, removed the binoculars
and saw three of them moving in a pattern which converged together. I
did not see a craft, then it moved away out of sight. I heard nothing
about it, even though the area is populated.
Biological_Unit said...
- It could not have been very close.
Biological_Unit said...
- It was dark and clear at the time, in winter.
Misti Parker said...
- How clearly focused did your eyes FEEL when the Orbs converged?
Misti Parker said...
- Please try to describe as specifically as you can, the patten which converged.
Biological_Unit said...
- It wasn't just in front of me - it could have been huge. I don't know why no one else saw it.
Biological_Unit said...
- I would call the pattern as Sinusoidal - a Sine Wave pattern.
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Misti Parker said...
- I once grabbed another witness to view an Orb that appeared
stationary to me, yet kept changing position for the other witness while
we both were looking at the same, single Orb.
If you are certain that nobody else saw the Orb(s)it might be because the Orbs aren't entirely physical. I don't believe they are imaginary, but metaphysical perhaps. Not hyper-dimensional, either, necessarily, but maybe, inter-dimensional.
Biological_Unit said...
- The strange noises people have been hearing are similar - some hear it while others nearby hear nothing!
I have a Website where I analyze a strange sound heard at an alleged UFO sighting in rural New York state on 10 August 1996. I took it from Cyberspaceorbit.com. It is now frozen because Kent Steadman died about three years ago. He ignored his bad heart because he couldn't afford Health Care in that amazing country of yours. You may see my Website by clicking this:
Anonymous said...
- When did this blog become a clearing house for orb/church/ufo types?
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Misti Parker said...
- Most heart disease is preventable without doctors. If you don't
take care of yourself, then Western medicine is good in extreme
Misti Parker said...
- I have told of my encounters with the Orbs on many occasions and
on many social media forums. Without belaboring the point again, I will
share my conclusions that the Orbs are something along the lines of "The
Watchers" in "The Book of Enoch".
Anonymous said...
- And apparently, Misti, no one but one equally delusional person gives a load of rancid dingo's kidneys about your orb delusion.
Biological_Unit said...
- I believe the Sun is also a white glowing spherical Plasmoid.
The better the drugs, the more orbs are seen.
Then you are awarded with a free wheelchair provided by the socialist evil government.
Misti Parker said...
- Science isn't prejudicial.
Biological_Unit said...
- No one needs to hear "feelings" about an "Enoch" book that was
just interesting enough to fool a publisher. Dark Mission is another
joke book of this sort. Mr. Sandbar's coked-up circle of talentless
dullards and braggarts have really got me going here!
Misti Parker said...
- I'm just saying based upon more than a few close encounters with
the Orbs and their malevolent behavior towards me on one occasion, I
don't hesitate to call them evil as well as inter-dimensional. They fit
the same description as demonic beings. However you may happen to feel
about that.
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Misti Parker said...
- The only question I asked about feelings was, how your eyes felt physically, when you saw the Orbs converge.
- Misti, dear... Quite a few people have this blog on RSS, so I
want you to know that when you comment-flood here you're also
mail-flooding people who probably don't appreciate it.
Please curb your enthusiasm, or I may really have to spank your botty.
Misti Parker said...
- If that many people actually tune in here, then maybe I ought to
start charging you. If you don't want me to keep responding to
mischaracterizations of my posts, then maybe you ought to take issue
with the perpetrators, as well as start paying me.
Has swArd allowed you to post at his "terrific" blog??
ReplyDelete911 was Jews, no planes were used, the buildings were empty, no one died at all.