The Emoluments of Mars
I'm not quite so much of a Mike Bara fan that I rushed back early from
vacation so as not to miss one of Mike Bara's pseud-psych internet radio
shows. However, I did catch up with it yesterday and I thought y'all
might like to know what-all I thought of it.
This was an edition of Strange Universe, nearly two bloody hours long, hosted by Sean David Morton's wife Melissa—SDM himself being off gallivanting around Europe with Kerry Cassidy (I've heard no reports of Europe sinking under a thick layer of bullshit, but I fear it may be imminent).
[Image] photo credit: project camelot
Mike and the Mortons are very tight IRL, so there was never any danger of anything other than powderpuff interviewing and enthusiastic agreement with everything Bara, guru of the New Age, had to impart. No phone-ins were accepted—that was no doubt thought to be too dangerous.
Mike got right off on the ziggy story (damn it, I was hoping I'd written my last on that topic.) He complained not once but several times that Stuart Robbins and I accused him or Hoagland of personally concocting the ziggurat. That, of course, is entirely untrue. The basis of our mockery is not that he faked it but that he found it on a sci-fi web site and considered it reliable enough to include as the "centerpiece" of his forthcoming book. Let me write that again, with slightly more emphasis: He does not trust the Apollo 11 image, he does not trust the LROC WAC or NAC strips, he does not trust the Japanese Kaguya images, BUT HE DOES TRUST THE WORK OF SOME RANDOM TEENAGE SCI-FI FAN. And by the way, both Mike Bara and Richard Hoagland have said in so many words that they "enhanced" the zigpic, whatever that means. Enough said.
Mike's next complaint was equally laughable. He stated that the attacks on the ziggy-story were couched in vile, offensive, insulting language and were personal as opposed to factual. Melissa Morton, of course, would neither have known or cared that the party using the words "asshole", douchebag", "sack of protoplasm" and "psychopath" was none other than Mike Bara, guru of the something-or-other (ref. my previous blogpost "Mike Bara, Olympian insulter").
There was more in the same vein, with Melissa interjecting stuff like "The nerve of these people!! Who do they think they are??" Mike had only just gone live with his 5-part blogpost at the time, and he spent some time crowing about how he'd blown the "haters" away with his impeccable logic and L33T SKILLZ at Photoshop. Now, of course, we know that he achieved nothing of the kind.
The art of the airbrush I want to skip on, however, to another "strange allegation" because it goes to the heart of the Hoagland/Bara accusations of NASA cover-up and it's so very, very easy to undermine. Backing up his thesis that Apollo astronaut photography is not all it seems, Mike cited that least reliable of witnesses, Ken Johnston, the so-called "NASA whistle-blower." He told how Ken, working in the Lunar Receiving Lab, wandered one day into a secure area and discovered people airbrushing Apollo photography. Not just prints for distribution to the media, mind you, but the actual original camera negatives.
At this, Melissa positively gasped. She swallowed the story hook, line and sinker. "My God!" she practically screamed, "That means that the photos are changed for ever, the original versions can never be retrieved." "YES, that's exactly what it means," enthused Mike Bara, guru of photographic processing. And the only problem with the story is, it's not true. How do I know it's not true? Very simple—there was no such thing as the original camera negatives.The film the astronauts shot on the Moon was reversal film, not negative. The kind we all used to shoot to make slide shows (Oh, probably some of my readers are too young to have done that. Reversal film produces a positive image but it's transparent, fit for screen projection.) Technical note: The film stock was 70mm double-perforated Ektachrome E-3 on a special Estar thin base. The stock was specially made for high-altitude surveillance photography.
To be sure, an internegative would have been made from the reversal original, and distribution prints made from that. I believe, in fact, that it was even more complicated. For distribution to high-quality magazines like Life and Saturday Evening Post, a master large-format print was made, that print was touched up, then a second interneg was struck. One thing they wanted to avoid was any sparkle in the sky which might have been misinterpreted as stars (although in fact the planet Venus is bright enough to be seen in a few Apollo 14 shots.)
Here's why it MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL to airbrush a negative, whether it's a camera original or an interneg. The photo-paper that the neg will be printed to starts off as all white, OK? The degree to which any given area darkens is governed by the density of that spot on the negative. To take the two extremes: If the negative is totally opaque, that spot never sees any light so remains pure white. If the neg is fully transparent, the print goes all the way to black, more or less. Now, here's the point. You cannot retouch a negative to make an area of the print blacker because there's no setting on an airbrush labeled "make more transparent." See?
So either Ken Johnston's memory is faulty, or Mike Bara is telling it wrong, or possibly both. Please note, I'm not claiming that no retouching of these images happened. On the contrary, I have every reason to believe a retouching tool was used. But NOT ON THE CAMERA ORIGINALS. AND NOT TO OBSCURE EVIDENCE OF A LUNAR CIVILIZATION.
If you're masochistic enough to want to suffer through the whole thing, follow this link >>.
This was an edition of Strange Universe, nearly two bloody hours long, hosted by Sean David Morton's wife Melissa—SDM himself being off gallivanting around Europe with Kerry Cassidy (I've heard no reports of Europe sinking under a thick layer of bullshit, but I fear it may be imminent).
[Image] photo credit: project camelot
Mike and the Mortons are very tight IRL, so there was never any danger of anything other than powderpuff interviewing and enthusiastic agreement with everything Bara, guru of the New Age, had to impart. No phone-ins were accepted—that was no doubt thought to be too dangerous.
Mike got right off on the ziggy story (damn it, I was hoping I'd written my last on that topic.) He complained not once but several times that Stuart Robbins and I accused him or Hoagland of personally concocting the ziggurat. That, of course, is entirely untrue. The basis of our mockery is not that he faked it but that he found it on a sci-fi web site and considered it reliable enough to include as the "centerpiece" of his forthcoming book. Let me write that again, with slightly more emphasis: He does not trust the Apollo 11 image, he does not trust the LROC WAC or NAC strips, he does not trust the Japanese Kaguya images, BUT HE DOES TRUST THE WORK OF SOME RANDOM TEENAGE SCI-FI FAN. And by the way, both Mike Bara and Richard Hoagland have said in so many words that they "enhanced" the zigpic, whatever that means. Enough said.
Mike's next complaint was equally laughable. He stated that the attacks on the ziggy-story were couched in vile, offensive, insulting language and were personal as opposed to factual. Melissa Morton, of course, would neither have known or cared that the party using the words "asshole", douchebag", "sack of protoplasm" and "psychopath" was none other than Mike Bara, guru of the something-or-other (ref. my previous blogpost "Mike Bara, Olympian insulter").
There was more in the same vein, with Melissa interjecting stuff like "The nerve of these people!! Who do they think they are??" Mike had only just gone live with his 5-part blogpost at the time, and he spent some time crowing about how he'd blown the "haters" away with his impeccable logic and L33T SKILLZ at Photoshop. Now, of course, we know that he achieved nothing of the kind.
The art of the airbrush I want to skip on, however, to another "strange allegation" because it goes to the heart of the Hoagland/Bara accusations of NASA cover-up and it's so very, very easy to undermine. Backing up his thesis that Apollo astronaut photography is not all it seems, Mike cited that least reliable of witnesses, Ken Johnston, the so-called "NASA whistle-blower." He told how Ken, working in the Lunar Receiving Lab, wandered one day into a secure area and discovered people airbrushing Apollo photography. Not just prints for distribution to the media, mind you, but the actual original camera negatives.
At this, Melissa positively gasped. She swallowed the story hook, line and sinker. "My God!" she practically screamed, "That means that the photos are changed for ever, the original versions can never be retrieved." "YES, that's exactly what it means," enthused Mike Bara, guru of photographic processing. And the only problem with the story is, it's not true. How do I know it's not true? Very simple—there was no such thing as the original camera negatives.The film the astronauts shot on the Moon was reversal film, not negative. The kind we all used to shoot to make slide shows (Oh, probably some of my readers are too young to have done that. Reversal film produces a positive image but it's transparent, fit for screen projection.) Technical note: The film stock was 70mm double-perforated Ektachrome E-3 on a special Estar thin base. The stock was specially made for high-altitude surveillance photography.
To be sure, an internegative would have been made from the reversal original, and distribution prints made from that. I believe, in fact, that it was even more complicated. For distribution to high-quality magazines like Life and Saturday Evening Post, a master large-format print was made, that print was touched up, then a second interneg was struck. One thing they wanted to avoid was any sparkle in the sky which might have been misinterpreted as stars (although in fact the planet Venus is bright enough to be seen in a few Apollo 14 shots.)
Here's why it MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL to airbrush a negative, whether it's a camera original or an interneg. The photo-paper that the neg will be printed to starts off as all white, OK? The degree to which any given area darkens is governed by the density of that spot on the negative. To take the two extremes: If the negative is totally opaque, that spot never sees any light so remains pure white. If the neg is fully transparent, the print goes all the way to black, more or less. Now, here's the point. You cannot retouch a negative to make an area of the print blacker because there's no setting on an airbrush labeled "make more transparent." See?
So either Ken Johnston's memory is faulty, or Mike Bara is telling it wrong, or possibly both. Please note, I'm not claiming that no retouching of these images happened. On the contrary, I have every reason to believe a retouching tool was used. But NOT ON THE CAMERA ORIGINALS. AND NOT TO OBSCURE EVIDENCE OF A LUNAR CIVILIZATION.
If you're masochistic enough to want to suffer through the whole thing, follow this link >>.
Esteban Navarro said...
- Welcome home, Expat.
- Gracias, Esteban.
FlightSuit said...
- I am chuckling at the idea of people spraying paint directly onto
the surface of a negative. Does Bara even bother to think about these
things before he says them?
astroguy said...
- Hmm. I think I've been "banned" from Mike's FB page. What does
it mean to be banned, actually? Can you still see their page, just
can't comment?
I ask because I've been watching his page since this whole thing began, reloading it a few times a day. I only just noticed now - versus earlier today - that all comment boxes on his posts are not present anymore for me.
Is that what happens during a ban, or is it just a FB glitch?
If it's a ban thing, I find that fascinating because I've only ever posted to his page once, and that was well over a month ago, responding to someone else's post questioning if Mars is red. Hmm ... we did both recently comment on someone else's photo on Facebook, so maybe he did it from that?
Biological_Unit said...
- What does it mean to be banned, actually?
Facebook can read whatever you type, but can decide whether to print anything...
FlightSuit said...
- Astroguy, I can't see the comment boxes either, and I very much
doubt Bara knows who I am, much less has banned me. So he obviously
changed his FB settings so that only people on his friends list can
comment on his timeline.
Binaryspellbook said...
- I listened to the interview. Which wasn't an interview, it was a platform for Mike to run wild with his flim-flam.
I also noted with some amusement that Catriona got a mention for "being put up to it" when she attacked him on his page. This of course means that Mike had been scanning Emoluments and reading her posts here.
Hi Mikey. - Incidentally it wasn't Expat or Dr Robbins that "put her up to it." It was me. Wrong again Mike.
Astroguy, being banned comes in a couple of flavours. You can read but not post (as has apparently happened to you) or you can be hit with the deluxe version and be unable to even see his page. It doesn't even show up on a search. That happened to me and a few others. I'm not sure what flavour Mikey offered Catriona.
I am pleased that Richard Dolan has now committed himself at last in condemning Bara, Hoagland et al, and will shortly be blogging some words regarding their shenannigans.
UFO's and the National Security State - Richard Dolan. Worth a read, both volumes I & II
Trekker said...
- Astroguy, he now has an 'author' FB page. Can you comment there?
James Concannon said...
- I was able to post to the author page yesterday. Doubt if that'll
last. Mikey doesn't like difficult questions any more than his former
co-author does.
FlightSuit said...
- As I said, if you can't see the comment boxes on Mike's page,
it's not that you were specifically banned; it's that he's unilaterally
changed his FB settings so that people who aren't on his friends list
can not post comments.
astroguy said...
- Thanks for the clarifications, guys (any gals?).
FYI, at the suggestion of Expat, and an in a sleep-deprived state where I still swear it's Thursday and not Friday, I e-mailed Melissa Morton about 15 minutes ago:
Mrs. Morton,
I'm messaging you in response to your radio broadcast with Mike Bara. Yes, I'm the guy against whom Mike effectively ranted for two hours last week. To state that Mike distorted the facts would put things mildly (especially saying that I'm the one attacking him when it is Mike who first called me an idiot and douchebag before deciding I was a NASA shill).
If you have any interest in examining the situation rather than taking Mike's word for things, I would recommend that you at least glance through my final post (for the moment) on the ziggurat ( At the beginning of it, I link to my other nearly dozen posts on the subject, refuting Mike's various claims and pointing out many, many factual errors. Meanwhile, at least a solid 25% of Mike's arguments have been personal attacks and insults without substance (I'm not exaggerating - see his blog if you haven't). I think it's also very important to point out that this never started with Mike - it was a simple investigation into a claim made by Richard Hoagland that Mike twisted into an attack on him.
I would be more than happy to come onto your program to explain what's really going on and what my position has been all along - which Mike has also distorted significantly. Of course, it's up to you, but I thought I'd put it out there.
Esteban Navarro said...
- Astroguy,you have destroyed his"arguments", but he keeps saying
that he´s won the "debate." Now he forbids comments again to be reminded
. He´s just a little intellectually dwarf blind - rude nuts. He´s the
shame of pseudoscience, he´s the real censor , he´s the hater
(redneck-nazi section). I called him chicken before this issue, now,
after your responses, is a plucked chicken who refuses to reason or
see.I draw this thing today to thank you & to loosen up after the
holidays :
FlightSuit said...
- Esteban, that is a terrific illustration! I envy your artistic skill!
- I just added an interesting image....
Trekker said...
- Esteban, that's hilarious! Well done!
Chris Lopes said...
- Expat,
I don't know who the guy in the orange shirt is, but I'm guessing the blonde in the sailor's cap is none other than Kerri Cassidy. If it is, I'm glad she's been able to keep one step ahead of all the govmit/Illuminati/Vatican agents who used to chase her and Bill Ryan (back when they were doing their Mulder and Sculley routine) all the time. Or is this a surveillance photo snapped by one of your "friends" in low places?
- Orange shirt (appropriate color, since this is Amsterdam) is none
other than Mike Bara's best bud SDM. Both of them are just staying one
step ahead of the evil gubmint agents with the directed energy weapons, I
Misti Parker said...
- I hate to keep harping on this point, but Hoagland and Bara,
whether intentional or not, serve to obscure not only the truth about
the good, but the truth about the bad. By their wrongly accusing others
of particular conspiracies, they not only discredit themselves, but
they also tend to desensitize the audience to genuine conspiracies.
That being said, I recall Art Bell interviewing a guest back in 1997 or so, who supposedly was a witness to either NASA or a contractor of NASA, that was doctoring images for nefarious purposes. I don't recall who the guest was, or exactly what images were in question, but it was a good show. Anybody remember that edition?
Misti Parker said...
- By the way, Paddycakes, what's James Burke really like?
Chris Lopes said...
- Misti,
If your point is that Hoagie/Bara makes other conspiracy types look bad, then I'd have to agree. No, I don't think they are actually a part of conspiracy to do exactly that, I just think it's a by-product of the games they play. The law of unintended consequences applies to pseud-science too.
If there were such a conspiracy though, Hoagland and Bara would be one way to go with it. I don't believe there is, or that they would be part of it if it existed, but I can understand how some might come to that conclusion. Even some of their fellow alternative researchers don't think much of about what they are up to. They certainly don't give the field a good name.
astroguy said...
- Mike Bara is the Michael Horn of stuff on the moon.
In other, follow-up news, my Conspiracy Skeptic interview on this is set for Monday night. I'll let Expat know when it's up live.
Esteban Navarro said...
- Totally agree with Chris, as always, you know what the big
secret, the great conspiracy is, Misti? The great secret is there's any
secret, cause soon you know everything, even if for common sense. The
three stages of the JFK assassination: Dealey Square, the limousine, and
the President's head, as well as the Zapruder film, the conclusions of
the prosecutor Garrison's evidences, in light of the research , point to
a bunch of murderers, not a single one by a landslide.
Neither the collapse of the twin towers and WTC7 appears to be no secret: Some moles steel and concrete lattice structure can not collapse by fire on top. European and American engineers have spent years making this quite clear. In 2005 I saw with my own eyes how the Windsor Tower, a 106 meters high skyscraper in Madrid, burned for 12 hours without collapsing . The entire building burst into flames
In other areas, What good news, Astroguy! Give what he deserves! Thanks, Flightsuit and Trekker…;)
- Misti, you've been doing some research huh? James and I are very good friends and have been for years.
Binaryspellbook said...
- James Burke played a pivotal role in influencing a whole
generation of engineers. Myself included. We owe this delightful man and
his colleagues a huge debt of gratitude.
- I may say I had nothing to do with that seminal series Connections. That was Mick Jackson's show. Mick, by the way, went to Hollywood and became a star director, directing The Bodyguard, L.A.Story, Live from Baghdad, Temple Grandin. He just recently retired.
Binaryspellbook said...
- Expat,
I was a '61 baby. My absolute favourite presenter was Mr Burke. He gave me, as a child, almost as much as my Grandfather did. For me (apart from Stingray, Thunderbirds and The Sky at Night) there was nothing more interesting.
Connections sealed the deal that tomorrows world initiated.
Gentlemen of substance and honour, both.
Chris Lopes said...
- Expat,
Your friendship with Burke brings into sharper focus your disdain for wanna-be's like Hoagland and Bara. There is a striking difference between the work Burke does and the bad Sci Fi that those guys try to present as science. The former is an attempt to bring the romance of science to people who wouldn't ordinarily be exposed to it. The latter is just an attempt to pay this month's electric (and in Bara's case, bar) bill. Your mockery of the latter is quite justifiable.
Chris Lopes said...
- Expat,
Since you know Burke, can you tell me where I can find a copy of "The Other Side of the Moon"? It's a companion piece to "The Men Who Walked On The Moon".
Misti Parker said...
- My favorite James Burke quote is:
"Feed the cattle."
Misti Parker said...
- Might Mick Jackson care to come out of retirement, to direct a
movie about the retirement of Thomas Magnum, from US Naval Intelligence?
Magnum N.I.
- Chris: I know the documentary you mean but I don't know where to find it. Sorry.
Chris Lopes said...
- Expat,
That's too bad because the discussion (on why we didn't go on from Moon) sounded like an interesting one. One of the things that I found interesting was Burke's pessimism (only 10 years after the 1st landing) about our prospects for further manned exploration. I hadn't realized it the problem was that obvious, that soon.
Misti Parker said...
- Topher, you are employed by a defense contractor, and your job
here is spin control. So really, you are just as obfuscatory as
Misti Parker said...
- Redux: NASA Whistleblower:
Alien Moon Cities Exist
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 18:52
Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the truth.
Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity.
He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it.
Misti Parker said...
Ken Johnston at the Smithsonian (1 of 2)
Ken Johnston at the Smithsonian (2 of 2)
Any comments here, fellas?
- That report in Beforeitsnews is wrong in many respects. The chief
one is that Johnston was never fired from NASA. He completed his
contract -- actually not with NASA itself but with a sub-contractor --
honorably. Much later (about 40 years later) he was dropped from a
volunteer program called Solar System Ambassadors when questions were
raised about his credentials. Here's James Oberg's version:
Misti Parker said...
True or False?
Ken Johnston
"He was one of the five original pilots who tested all of the Apollo equipment including the lunar module..."
Misti Parker said...
- Referencing Mike Bara as the advocate for Ken Johnson, is like an indigent defendant having a Court purchased attorney.
That being a Perfect example of how Bara and Hoagland discredit those whom them pretend to support; the moral equivalent of condemnation by faint praise.
Misti Parker said...
- By your attacking Bara and Hoagland, we get no closer to the truth. All you are doing is knocking over straw men.
Misti Parker said...
- James Oberg is just another spin doctor, who among other things,
attempts to falsely paint North Korea as inept, in order to cover the
United States' advanced defense capabilities.
Biological_Unit said...
- Scalier Weapons are really SCALAR weapons. You're too lazy to understand Vectors so just shut up, 80 year old Asian Man.
Misti Parker said...
- Spellcheck switches words on me so fast I can't notice and has
nothing to do with the fact that military records are confidential, even
for buck privates.
The fact that Ken Johnston was a test pilot on Apollo is more than enough validation of his credentials as a pilot.
You guys are all just so FLICKED.
Misti Parker said...
- Dark Mission was nothing more than an elaborate attempt to excuse
NASA for lying, by exaggerating claims, and to assassinate the
character of Ken Johnston by having such a charlatan as Richard C
Hoagland to endorse him.
Of course you can discredit Hoagland. That's what he is there for. Hoagland deliberately miss represents the subjects that he covers, so that the baby Jesus gets tossed out with the Catholic holy water.
Misti Parker said...
- For example, of course there is no face on Mars. Ken Johnston
never said there was, but since Hoagland cites Johnston, he drags him
down with him so that nobody will believe a true word that Johnston
says, and you guys try to make certain of that.
- Ken is not so hot on truth.
Misti Parker said...
- I don't follow your reasoning about the blue streak NOT being in
other frames. UFOs come and go as fast as lens flare. The blue streak
that you found, Paddycakes, NASA may well not have noticed. If NASA is
cleaning up images from presumptions of lens flare, it may well be
covering up evidence, intentionally or not.
As for the Russian image, one can only guess as to what the heck that is; any idea?
Misti Parker said...
- Furthermore, there is no proof that the degree is not legitimate.
The Universal Life Church set the prescient in Federal Court, which
paved the way for church organizations to legally issue academic degrees
without regulation. Such degrees can be quite useful in obtaining a
county license to work as a minister in a wedding chapel or funeral
Let's also be clear, that the degree did not misspell the word diploma, either. That was merely the designation labeled on the image file. Evidence perhaps, that the degree was unregulated, and/or, that spell check is not active when labeling image files.
Misti Parker said...
- Again, none of this takes away from the fact, that Ken Johnston
was a test pilot on Apollo, despite the fact that the Marine Corp didn't
see fit to violate the confidentiality of his personal records by
handing them over to the ghost profile account holder of this blog.
FlightSuit said...
- Misti, if Johnston was a test pilot for the Apollo program, could
you tell us exactly what sort of aircraft or spaceship he would have
been test piloting?
FlightSuit said...
- Regarding the bogus diploma, yes, it might have been technically
legal for the diploma mill to issue it, but that doesn't change the fact
that it was issued by a diploma mill.
As for the weird blue flare, sure, I guess it could have been a UFO that was only in view when one frame was exposed and not the other. Or it could have been a UFO that was flashing its light on and off.
Or it could have been a stationary light, suspended above the Lunar surface, part of an ancient, ruined arcology, yet still flashing on and off from one exposure to the next, because after all these thousands of years, it's still running on its nuclear battery.
Or it could have been a faerie.
Or it could have been a photographic anomaly, kind of like the nearly identical blue flare that showed up in another photo on the Lunar surface, inside a shadow.
Which do you think it the most likely?
Misti Parker said...
- Ken Johnston test piloted Apollo capsules for ergonomics on the ground.
Even though the term, "diploma mill," is technically not a legal term, a church is not a diploma mill when it's degrees are legally recognized.
I think NASA ought to leave images unretouched, unless the original is provided for comparison, along with a detailed explanation of how the image has been altered, and why it was touched up. Even so, I have always maintained that photographs are not valid scientific evidence, any more than they are admissible as evidence in court. In fact the scientific standard is much higher.
Without transparency, (no pun intended) and accountability to the public, funding for NASA is a total waste.
Misti Parker said...
- Alexander Gardner was a photojournalist of Abe Lincoln's war on
Christian America. Often times, not knowing where the best battle
scenes would appear to photograph, he could only show up after the fight
was over. It was common practice for him to interview the
survivors/winners, to discern the facts as reasonably as possible. Then
he would re arrange the corpses and weapons to make it look like some
of them were still alive with guns in their hands, and other who had
been shot. While these indeed were staged, the did fairly accurately
illustrate the events which had transpired.
Conversely, a paparazzi could be standing outside of a court house, waiting for a politician to emerge. Next door to the court house, might very well be a drinking establishment. The photographer could be standing off the the side of the court house with a view down the street to the bar.
As the politician exits the court house, the photographer could snap a shot of him with the bar in the background. Despite the caption which might be written below in print, the visual message to the viewer is that the politician just came out of the bar.
In the above two examples, we see that the faked image conveys the truth, while the unretouched photograph is an out of context representation.
Misti Parker said...
To learn more about degree mills and legitimate alternative degrees
Bear's Guide to Non-Traditional College Degrees
Misti Parker said...
http:The Universal Life Church
Degrees and Courses
Doctor of Universal Life - $29.95
This course deals with the relationship of Church and State over the past 6,000 years. This course covers the origins of western religion as well as the conflicts between the ULC and the United States government. No test is required for this honorary degree.
Enter the name and address of the person this degree is for. It will be shipped to the "ship to" address provided as checkout, however we need the name and address of the recipient so that it can be properly recorded in the church records.
Doctor of Universal Life - $29.95
Books and Publications
Credentials and Certificates
FlightSuit said...
- Wait a minute Misti, you believe Abraham Lincoln was waging war against Christian America?
Misti Parker said...
- Don't change the subject.
Misti Parker said...
- The Confederate Constitution had already abolished slavery before
Lincoln declared war. The 14th Amendment was not ratified by a proper
quorum as the Southern States had boycotted the First Assembly. That
illegitimate addendum did not liberate the slaves. Anyone who claims
citizenship thereunder trades God given Rights for State granted
privileges. The US was thereby established under Martial Rule, and set
the precedent for Executive Orders.
Misti Parker said...
- Accordingly, all men are created equal AS slaves
Misti Parker said...
- When John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated, there was a coup.
That's when the veneer of the Republic began to peel away as the
totalitarians brazenly started to become less concerned for pretense of
Constitutionality. You know who I'm talking about. The people that
your partner, Richard C Hoagland and you guys work for.
Misti Parker said...
ReplyDeleteFlight Suit, you may very well be just a hapless kibitzer, but Paddycakes, Hoagland, and Topher Lopes are spooks.
September 4, 2012 8:42 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Spooks do a lot of blogging, I take it?
September 4, 2012 8:51 PM
Blogger Chris Lopes said...
Have you gotten your check from super secret agency this month? Mine's a little late, so I wanted to see if it was a system failure or if TPTB don't think I've done enough dis-info work this month to warrant any pay.
September 4, 2012 8:57 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
edpepar 14
Hoagland used to, but even spooks get scared off sometimes it would seem. Even the CIA had been recruiting student interns who specifically were good at social networking.
September 4, 2012 9:01 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
Topher, you just hide in plain site, and get paid by a private contractor of the D.O.D. You have zero credibility and couldn't be objective if you wanted to.
September 4, 2012 9:05 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
See, this is where the Owls and the Roosters share a common interest; thick as thieves. The Owls own the military industrial complex and the Roosters are the minions who have to work for a paycheck. The owners are Republicans and the workers are Democrats, but they all rely upon corporate welfare. This is why the United States in no longer a Republic but is now Fascist/Socialist.
If the Tea Party were actually a real political party, you'd all be out of a job.
See, this is where the Owls and the Roosters share a common interest; thick as thieves. The Owls own the military industrial complex and the Roosters are the minions who have to work for a paycheck. The owners are Republicans and the workers are Democrats, but they all rely upon corporate welfare. This is why the United States in no longer a Republic but is now Fascist/Socialist.
ReplyDeleteIf the Tea Party were actually a real political party, you'd all be out of a job.
September 4, 2012 9:09 PM
Blogger FlightSuit said...
Oh dear.
September 4, 2012 10:00 PM
Blogger Biological_Unit said...
The Orbs contacted me,
You crazy! An Orb just contacted me with that info.
September 4, 2012 10:32 PM
Blogger Biological_Unit said...
It's out of your control.
If they're getting paid by evilsters - doesn't that mean they got their shit under control? They kick ass and you suck - troll "Unit SwArd"!
September 4, 2012 10:56 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
The most that the Psycops can hope to do is propagandize the population to at least keep an open mind, by doubting honest testimony.
Hoagland goes a step further in getting them to doubt their own contact experiences, by having them chalk it all up to the existence of Space NAZIS.
It's all reactionary tactics based upon The Brookings Report.
September 5, 2012 12:29 AM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
If as Hoagland preaches, that humans are descendants of beings from Mars, if not humans who went to Mars way back when, and if HAARP induced geo disasters are instead caused by Space NAZIS' torsion weapons, rather than by ET or Ruskies, then Brookings conclusion that any lesser developed society that encounters a more advanced one invariably ceases to exist in it's traditional status becomes moot.
(See if you can rephrase that all in one breath.)
Of course the very notion of God is more of an assault on their grandiose egos than they can handle, so if there is anything worse than ET it's Christ today, just as it was over two thousand yeas ago with the heads of church and state, then.
September 5, 2012 12:41 AM