You`d be surprised to know (some amongst you,probably already know) who sponsored & financed Richard Hoagland when he started to become involved in the Mars debate in 1983. If you know who financed him back then, you also know who is financing him now....
October 5, 2012 8:03 AM
Tara Jordan said...
In December 1983 upon a meeting at Institute for the Study of Consciousness Berkeley (founded by Arthur M Young) with former intelligence officer Paul Shay (SRI vice president for corporate affairs),Hoagland received $50,000 from the SRI (Stanford Research Institute) & formed the Independent Mars Mission with physicist Lambert Dolphin Jr.
Many amongst Hoagland early "associates" & "professional contacts" (SRI,Institute for Noetic Sciences etc...) were individuals & (or) organizations associated to the CIA & the defense community.
These organizations & "scientific institutes" were cover fronts for the CIA & the defense community to conduct elaborate psychological-social experiments
The notorious SRI (Stanford Research Institute) who initiated remote viewing experiments under the under the auspices of the CIA & the Defense Department
Since I have no intention on hijacking Expat`s Blog,I wont list all the individuals & institutions who became associated or collaborated with Richard Hoagland during the early years of his "Mars years".I`ll leave it to Expat & the rest of debunking community to do the researches & home-works.
October 6, 2012 12:44 AM
- Tara Jordan said...
- @Misti
If you go to the genesis of the Mars ordeal that started in mid 70`s with individuals like James Hurtak (Hurtak was the man who originally refered to the Face on Mars as "Sphink like" & back in 1975 Hurtak "predicted" the existence of a Sphinx image on Mars),you`ll find some prominent members of the school of "new Egyptologists" who generated the Egypt-Giza-Mars connections storyline.Some of these individuals were also connected to the SRI & various CIA sponspored scientific institutes (Schor Foundation-Florida State University etc..)Also involved were Remote viewers (& former US Army ambiguous characters) such as Schnabel,Morehouse.Mc Moneagle,Ed Dames.
FlightSuit said...
- So Tara, what are we to make of this supposed CIA connection? I
tend to think of the CIA as being a pretty no-nonsense organization. Why
would they want to have anything to do with Hoagland or any of his
fellow Mars Face believers?
I've certainly seen people on the Web suggest that Hoagland is a disinfo agent, but to my mind, that's almost as far-fetched as any other conspiracy theory.
Yes, Hoagland is technically spreading disinformation every time he makes a statement that is untrue, but to suggest that he's doing so as part of a government conspiracy?
What would be the goal?
More importantly, do we have solid evidence for this government connection?
Tara Jordan said...
- @Flighsuit
Pyschological experiments,which the intention of creating
"new religions" & societal mass control mecanisms.Take a look at what we inherited since the mid 70`s (& I am not even talking about the UFO-New Age fields),a large proportion of the Western public believe in Space gods- ancient Aliens, Egyptian-Sumerian-Mars connections....A brand new religion
Tara Jordan said...
- @FlightSuit
Dont call it "government conspiracy", these are "governmental programs" from which the general public is unaware of. Just like the US government psychotronic experiments & human behavioral modification of 1960`s-1970`s
You tell me why the CIA would sponsor Scientific institutes involved in remote viewing experiments,studies of consciousness,paranormal phenomenas etc...The SRI which has been the major player in this game, was also involved in researches & project creations for DARPA
Trekker said...
- As an amusing diversion to while away a few minutes, I did an
online search of the Chapters bookshops within a hundred kms of home, to
see how many were stocking copies of Ancient Aliens.
Out of 61 stores, only six had copies, and only one copy each at that! For added amusement, they're shelved under 'New Age and Occult', not 'Science', (as I imagine Mike would have liked).
Tara Jordan said...
- Before dismissing my theories as Crackpotism,please consult the
CIA, Defense Dept records.Throughout official statements & FOIA
requests, they have released documents acknowledging researches &
experiments into the Occult,parapsychology,paranormal,psychological
experiments using UFO lore, New Age concepts etc...One of the most
publicized programs was the bizarre First Earth Battalion project that
took place at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center &
School at Fort Bragg.It is a matter of public records that both the CIA
& the US army had explored New Age, Occult & paranormal
concepts for practical,operational,psychological & tactical
Tara Jordan said...
- I intentionally refrained from mentioning the Remove Viewing
program at Standford Research Institute (co-sponsored by the Defense
Dept & the CIA), because it was without any doubt the most
publicized ( at least in terms of mainstream media coverage).Most of the
participants from the RV program (all of them,former military &
intelligence officers) eventually became prominent & influential
spokespersons for the UFO community.
Blogger Misti Parker said...
ReplyDeleteThank you Tara, very much. This will keep my busy for awhile. I find it just as interesting how people like to try and dismiss what you say, yet accept blindly, anything coming out of NASA and totally ignore everything about the X-37B and Monuments of Mars.
October 7, 2012 10:19 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
Tara, also the Soviet Union had an even more substantial parapsychology R&D program, so naturally during the Cold War especially, the US military couldn't permit a psi-corp gap. No doubt this research contributed substantially to applicable techniques of propaganda, or disinformation as Hoagy likes to call it; like the pot calling the kettle, black.
October 7, 2012 10:32 PM
Anonymous Tara Jordan said...
Thank you.This is essentially my beef with the debunking community.
Debunkers & their arch-enemies (the UFO buffs & pseudo science believers) pretty much behave in the same way, when challenged & confronted by extreme critical thinking.Denial.....(cannot really blame them since denial is a natural& fundamental part of the psychological defensive mecanism).
The debunking community is relentlessly willing to "investigate the paranormal, fringe science, pseudoscience,& extraordinary claims of all kinds, promote critical thinking", yet debunbers take anything for granted as long as it comes from "official channels", & are extremely reluctant to question & deconstruct the political establishment shenanigans. Deceptions & manipulations are essential elements of the governing process.
Look no further than the Pentagon Papers,the Iraqi aluminium tubes,the yellow cakes & weapons of mass destructions fairy tales, may call use the term "conspiracies" but these happened to be real governmental programs with the sole intention of deceiving & manipulating public opinion.
But to be clear,I dont think that NASA as an insitution,or most people working for the CIA & Defense Department are aware about what is going on behind the scene. Given the institutional secrecy,the size of the government bureaucracy and high degree of compartmentalization that exists within it,most people dont have a clue about what is going on next door.
October 8, 2012 12:55 AM