The Emoluments of Mars
"Hoagland watch: Guide to the major FAILS"
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Looks like we're going to have to add one more to the list of Richard
Hoagland's empty promises. Eleven days have gone by since he promised
his Coast-to-Coast AM audience that he'd "soon" put up on his
1990s-style web site a compilation of images from the Curiosity rover
that show "unmistakable" signs of artificiality. Nothing has appeared
unless you count a promo for the Mayan Galactic Alignment crooz.
Hoagland will, he says, be conducting nightly starwatches and so won't
have to pony up the $1500 the plebs will—although, what's the betting he
won't show for some of those? (Robin Falkov will be sent on deck to
explain that he's in his state room working on a very important
So here's a Fail-list, which may not even be complete:
1. Curiosity image compilation, promised on C2C 2 nov 2012
2. "Major paper" on the Accutron readings during the June Venus transit. Hoagland wrote to me on 24th July "When the paper is published, you will have ample data to examine ....Soon."
3. Accutron data on the Annular eclipse last May. He did write a preliminary report, but never followed up. James Concannon blogged about that.
4. Accutron data on the Lunar occultation of Venus, last August. On 3 Aug Hoagland wrote to me "it's really nice to see you're paying such close attention to all this. This means you WILL, indeed, be "blown away" by the full data set on the eclipse, to say nothing of the OTHER Accutron torsion measurements we will soon be publishing ... on the later Venus Transit, and an up-coming, striking "Lunar Occultation of Venus" occurring August 13th." This has never been mentioned again.
5. A book, The Heritage of Mars: Remembering Forever. This was announced on C2C, 2 April this year. When I blogged it, I also noted that this was the second time around. He first announced this book back in November 2000. It's possible that the book is imminent, but I doubt it. It's a bit late for the Christmas listings already.
6. New video documentary, hosted by himself and produced by Jay Weidner. Promised in November 2007. I blogged about this last January.
7. Von Braun's Secret Part III. Promised in 2008.
8. The Bees' Needs, Part II. Said to be "Currently in Preparation" back in 2007.
9. Moon With a View, Part VII. At the end of Part VI, Hoagland wrote "Coming soon: the extraordinary Part 7 Conclusion of 'Moon with a View'". That was 2005.
10. Video of the Joshua Tree Conference, also 2005. The promo describes this as a "breakthrough, lavishly illustrated, 2-hour, Wide-Screen, 2 DVD-set Presentation." It never appeared.
So here's a Fail-list, which may not even be complete:
1. Curiosity image compilation, promised on C2C 2 nov 2012
2. "Major paper" on the Accutron readings during the June Venus transit. Hoagland wrote to me on 24th July "When the paper is published, you will have ample data to examine ....Soon."
3. Accutron data on the Annular eclipse last May. He did write a preliminary report, but never followed up. James Concannon blogged about that.
4. Accutron data on the Lunar occultation of Venus, last August. On 3 Aug Hoagland wrote to me "it's really nice to see you're paying such close attention to all this. This means you WILL, indeed, be "blown away" by the full data set on the eclipse, to say nothing of the OTHER Accutron torsion measurements we will soon be publishing ... on the later Venus Transit, and an up-coming, striking "Lunar Occultation of Venus" occurring August 13th." This has never been mentioned again.
5. A book, The Heritage of Mars: Remembering Forever. This was announced on C2C, 2 April this year. When I blogged it, I also noted that this was the second time around. He first announced this book back in November 2000. It's possible that the book is imminent, but I doubt it. It's a bit late for the Christmas listings already.
6. New video documentary, hosted by himself and produced by Jay Weidner. Promised in November 2007. I blogged about this last January.
7. Von Braun's Secret Part III. Promised in 2008.
8. The Bees' Needs, Part II. Said to be "Currently in Preparation" back in 2007.
9. Moon With a View, Part VII. At the end of Part VI, Hoagland wrote "Coming soon: the extraordinary Part 7 Conclusion of 'Moon with a View'". That was 2005.
10. Video of the Joshua Tree Conference, also 2005. The promo describes this as a "breakthrough, lavishly illustrated, 2-hour, Wide-Screen, 2 DVD-set Presentation." It never appeared.
Misti Parker said...
- With so many great cliff hangers, you'd think there ought to be at least one publishing advance out of the bunch.
Chris Lopes said...
- It's pretty obvious that Hoagland decided some time ago to dance
only for the paying customers (and sometimes not even for them). The
Face Book page and Website have fulfilled their purpose of audience
building/maintaining and are no longer worth the effort to actually work
on. If the dullards who call themselves his fans haven't already
figured this out, they deserve the contempt he holds for them.
FlightSuit said...
- I just hope this blog's Google ranking is high enough that Hoagland's fans see it from time to time.
Misti Parker said...
- It seems to me that with all my redundant copies of these pages
over on my blog, that everybody on Google can widely see how
unsubstantial your ramblings here are, Fright Soot.
John Cooper said...
- After Richard spoke in coded references* on C2C and TruTV
(mentioning: "On The Beach" - Sci-Fi Drama and Winslow Arizona Crater -
"This is probably the closest analog to Mars, you're gonna find
anywhere on Earth")*, you're gonna find It hard to believe but we should
call immediately Dr. Theodora Minsk to aids us by making the "suicide"
pills available and tell us: What kind of pills can people take to
commit suicide?
Misti Parker said...
- John, you know Dr Minsk well enough to know that she never has
nor ever would advocate suicide. However, she did make mention of how
Richard C Hoagland was influential in the Heaven's Gate Cult's belief in
the Hale-Bopp companion.
Misti Parker said...
- By the way, John, I noticed your link to Hoagland's boat show. What's you motivation with that?
John Cooper said...
- Misti Parker, you sound like you are a teacher! Why don't you
call me Jack. My motivation is to draw people's attention on the Event
of the End of the Old World of Darkness And the Beginning of a New World
of Light!
John Cooper said...
- Ruth: Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they're not too crowded.
Rose: Oh mother, shut up! Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats. Not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die.
Cal Hockley: Not the better half.
Molly Brown: Come on Ruth, get in the boat. First-class seats are right up here.
Cal Hockley: You know, it's a pity I didn't keep that drawing. It'll be worth a lot more by morning.
Rose: You unimaginable bastard!
John Cooper said...
- C'est long et c'est court,
Misti Parker said...
- Who was that financial adviser, who compared buying stocks to playing poker on the deck of the Titanic?
John Cooper said...
Ms Emma Peel said...
- @FlightSuit .My blog doesn't even appear in google search & on Blogs listing....
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Ms Emma Peel said...
- John Cooper est un nom de plume pour Richard C Hoagland?
John Cooper said...
- Ms Emma Peel,.....Just call me Jack!
Misti Parker said...
FlightSuit said...
- Misti, what does "Fright Soot" even mean? Am I supposed to feel bad about myself when you call me that?
John Cooper said...
- Ah,.....missed parker still believes in falling
stars.....according the Bible! I should marry her as an act of..... out
of mercy.....i think SO!
- I sure wish the subject of Pres. Obama's eligibility could be closed here.
John: But Françoise Hardy? OH QUE OUI!!!!
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Ms Emma Peel said...
- Don`t you feel lucky John Cooper?. As the editor in chief of The
Richard Hoagland Gazette,you have the ability to interact on his
Blog.with but most amongst us(Space Nazis worshipers) don`t even have
the privilege to question King Richard about his regular discharge of
pseudo intellectual pollution
Ms Emma Peel said...
- @Expat.I knew Mike Bara was wrong about your sexual orientation;). Tu aimes Françoise Hardy?,elle est charmante,indeed...
Trained Observer said...
- By Hoagland's grey mullet! Sometimes the comments here are harder
to follow than the former CBS consultant's (and personal friend of
Walter Cronkite, Arthur C. Clark, the Pope, etc.,etc.) pseudo-scientific
mysticism. We're obviously jonesing for some more hyperdimensional
crack from Richard's rarefied orbit. Maybe he'll find the other shoe
soon and he and his coauthor can write the book, "Ancient Alien footwear
on Mars" or some such.
Misti Parker said...
Trained Observer said...
Ms Emma Peel said...
- @Misti Parker.Why are you wasting valuable energy on metaphysical
non-sense?. If you really want to transcend yourself,I have a couple of
humbles suggestions.
1) Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic
2) Arthur Schopenhauer: World as Will & Representation
These are the real intellectual McCoys,Forget about the Bible,the Orbs & the Dark side of the Matrix.
Misti Parker said...
- I have no interest in metaphysics or in transcending myself.
Those are mis-characterizations, of a different sort, but of the same
tactic that Fright Soot would use, Ms Enema.
Ms Emma Peel said...
- Aww, Misti talking about enema, she`s so kinky. I`m taking it as a challenge ;)
Ms Emma Peel said...
- By the way,Misti,Playing potty-mouth with me over a public forum is not a very good idea.
1) I`m not thin skinned.
2) If you think you`re mean,think twice.
3) Most importantly,during our previous conversations (Under my real name) I`ve always behaved very decently with you.Please don`t take it as a sign of weakness.The only person who never treated you like dirt, was me, Ms Emma Peel aka Tara Jordan.....
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FlightSuit said...
- Misti, why don't you try being nice to people? It won't cost you anything.
John Cooper said...
- Well, a Flight Suit belongs to the air forces.....or Not?
Maniac: [Maniac has just been shunned by a woman in the bar] I guess women out here on the edge of nowhere can't appreciate a civilised man.
Blair: Sure they do. When they meet one.
Maniac: Good to see you too, Colonel, or should I say Farmer Blair? Glad you could fit me into your busy schedule.
Blair: It's a peaceful life.
Maniac: I've always said you're either an earthworm or an eagle.
Anonymous said...
- Expat, you DO have the ability and means to stop the off topic
conversations and the delusional rantings and name calling. If you want
to... Yoyr call.
John Cooper said...
- “I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And i'll be waiting for you there.”
― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
Ms Emma Peel said...
- Fair enough Misti, you`re a real toughie & your intellectual exercise hits the limit of your argumentation expertise ;)
John Cooper said...
Anonymous said...
- I'm too embarrassed to say this any way but anonymously, but I
used to be kinda taken in by some of Hoagland's Moon and Mars stuff.
When he makes a presentation, it's almost like he has a stupidity ray. I
am not a physicist, engineer or physical scientist, but to the
lay-person, he makes you think "could this be true"? I found his
discussion of the crystalline/prismatic structure on the moon compelling
because of his alleged photographic evidence of refraction and stuff. I
just know it's wrong now because of how incredibly inane his garbage
is, but I still don't get that. Can you please explain, Expat? Also, his
discussion of reflectivity on the structures in cydonia and the
photographic analysis using the type of technology that is used to
recognize manmade features on Earth threw me, too. Are there some good
discussions or refutation/debunking of these individual issues because
my knowledge of the science is not very good but I want to know why this
silliness is untrue and I'm sure it is. What is the deal with the idea
that a watch with a mini tuning fork can somehow pick up "torsion"
effects? LOL.
Esteban Navarro said...
- You can dive into the vast index of Expat, Anon. All that has
been extensively covered. No need to apologize.The "prisms" and
"reflectivity" are really Photoshopped fakes,based on the excuse of
"image enhancement" to completely alter it from tiny digital artifacts
or scratches in the official photos, probably perpetrated by Mike Bara.
Esteban Navarro said...
- Here you are more info:
GEO is a blogger, which, to me at least, I miss around here.
- >>Expat, you DO have the ability and means to stop the off
topic conversations and the delusional rantings and name
Yes, all right -- the people have spoken. "Misti", be warned. I will start deleting childishly insulting posts from now on even if they aren't actually offensive. Also I've had it with Pres. Obama's eligibility. That's a taboo topic from now on.
Other anonymous: Esteban's links are good. All Hoagland & Bara's presentations on the "face" -- especially the ones which claim that one side of it is made of shiny metal -- are so much trash now that we have this to admire.
Ms Emma Peel said...
- In response to Mike Tara`s rant against "the Hispanics
votes",this is what the lowlife fake blond, but real gutter trash Sara
Shanae had to say:" Beaners are so flippin stupid, my last name
Vasquez.I am a Latin American. Venezuelan and Spanish. Yes, I am racist
scum against my own culture....".Mike Bara & his fans, quite a
classy bunch.
Next time Bara appears on a radio show,someone should call & educate the listeners about Mike Bara negrophobia & sheer racism
FlightSuit said...
- Anonymous, I am never embarrassed to admit that I used to be a
dyed-in-the-wool Richard C. Hoagland True Believer. I feel it's
important for me to be totally out of the closet about that, because it
serves to illustrate how easy it is for thinking people to get taken in
by Hoagland's very seductive and appealing belief system.
Also, if I'm arguing with somebody who's still a Hoagland believer, I feel it's helpful to be able to say I was once in the same place they were. It lets them know I am not coming from a place of knee-jerk hostility toward all extraordinary claims.
FlightSuit said...
- Emma, every time I go to Sara Shanae's home town of Los Angeles, I
am amazed by how much more Latinos are there, as compared to my
increasingly white home town, San Francisco. It's kind of stunning to
hear that kind of racism coming from a resident of such a beautifully
multi-ethnic city.
Anonymous said...
- Expat, thank you. One person has managed to contaminate an
otherwise insightful, civil conversation. I appreciate your position on
the matter. Again, thank you!!
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John Cooper said...
- Question: What's the big deal of publishing a book with a co-author like Mike Bara?
Ms Emma Peel said...
- "What's the big deal of publishing a book with a co-author like Mike Bara".
Mike Bara is a two-bit crook & a race baiting dirtbag
John Cooper said...
- Do You See What I See?
Ms Emma Peel said...
- Lol. Richard Hoagland is the ultimate sleaze ball,he'd sell you
the rope needed to hang him,plus he doesn't have any problem associating
himself with a racist carrot cruncher like Mike Bara
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FlightSuit said...
- I've never heard somebody called a "carrot cruncher" before. Emma, are you saying Mike Bara is a bunny rabbit?
That would certainly explain his desire to have us all follow him down the rabbit hole!
John Cooper, that pic you posted, it's weird to see Bara without facial hair. I think he looks slightly less creepy that way.
Misti Parker said...
- I see Richard holding hands with Robin while Mike has his arm clear up on the top of the backrest of the boot.
Bara's a bit Chinese eyed.
So, what?
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Ms Emma Peel said...
- @FlightSuit. Hoagie, Bara & Robin,the 3 stooges,three sheets to the wind.....
John Cooper said...
- Ms Emma Peel, seems to me that you're the smartest ass in here :)
"Are you a casual knucklehead?,...or do you really know who killed Kirk Robin?"
John Cooper said...
- Michelle Obama to supporters: Tell 'knuckleheads' to vote for Barack Obama
FlightSuit said...
- John Cooper, your use of emoticons would make me think you might be Hoagland's troll account...
But your posting anti-Obama stuff would be more of a Mike Bara thing.
John Cooper said...
- FlightSuit, Do I look like a rancher or do I look like a cowboy?
John Cooper said...
- Expat is the only one in here who has seen me without the hat, So I think I'm Ok. posting here.....
Ms Emma Peel said...
- Indeed john Cooper,I am a satanic ritual abuse survivor & I have 19,5 tattooed on the back of my neck
Ms Emma Peel said...
- For Hoagland-Crooks & Co, there is no such thing such as
dignity. Expat & most amongst us are blacklisted on King Richard of
Cydonia Facebook, yet Hoagland fan boys have no problem whatsoever at
exposing themselves on this blog.
Ms Emma Peel said...
- @Expat.I think this is so revealing of "Mike Bara`s popularity
& his influence on the ufo market".Today he was appearing on the
Rainbow Vision Network radio show.Bara is atrociously insignificant.
While Coppens,Tsoukalos & the big pimps of the Ancient Aliens
business are touring the world, giving lectures in a different city each
& every day,Mike Bara is trolling the bottom of the paranormal-UFO
radio shit tank.As to Richard Hoagland, he is pathetically non-existent
- I heard that show, hoping to glean some material for a blogpost.
No such luck -- it was just the same old same old. The interviewer, Rita
Louise, was unbelievably bad ("We all have to wake up. So much has been
hidden from us"). Ugh.
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Misti Parker said...
- This page has become as worthless as Hoagland's. All the good stuff keeps getting deleted.
ReplyDeleteHey Honey, what's going on over there? I didn't see your comments last night. sEXPArT whipped them all off!
ReplyDeleteIf there's anything you want, anything at all...come to me.
I'll be your guardian angel.